What led you to sustainability and regenerative ag?
The combination of my Sociology and Economics majors led me to my interest in environmental conservation, specifically with regard to sustainable development. I took a class called “The Political Economy of Globalization,” which was actually a sociology course. In this class, we looked at the negative environmental outcomes of globalization, and how we can potentially alleviate those pressures. I knew I wanted to work closely with sustainability and regenerative agriculture at this point in my college career.
What is your favorite thing about focusing on business partnerships within sustainability?
The corporate world is such a major contributor to global GHGs. Now that businesses are beginning to turn their attention to more sustainable practices, I’m excited to be a part of a team that can help facilitate that transition.
What brought you to CIBO?
I knew I was interested in sustainability, ESG, and corporate social responsibility. CIBO initiatives encompass all of the above and so many more.
What are your primary responsibilities at CIBO?
I am a Business Development Representative, specifically working on customer outreach.
What do you find the most rewarding about your work here?
I know I’m doing something good for the environment, which is already such a passion of mine. Being able to enter the professional world in a role I’m excited about, as well as a role that will help benefit the planet is a privilege!
Natalie Aronson is a Business Development Associate at CIBO, a science-driven software startup. She holds a Bachelors in Economics and Sociology from Lehigh University.