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CIBO Technologies and Parcel Thrive Inc. Announce Partnership to Help U.S. Farmers Secure New Income Streams and Advance Regenerative Agriculture

Agreement creates new access to sustainability incentives for farmers within Parcel’s Grower Network

MINNEAPOLIS – August 5, 2024 – CIBO Technologies, the climate software company for agriculture, today announced a multi-year strategic partnership with Parcel Thrive Inc., a software platform serving over 14,000 farmers, co-ops and retailers in the United States. Through this collaboration, CIBO Impact will help farmers within Parcel’s grower network find, qualify for and enroll in regenerative agriculture incentive programs backed by the USDA and private companies. Parcel will work on behalf of its farmers to support contracting, delivery and end-to-end fulfillment of enrolled programs.

Partnership at a Glance: Generate New On-Farm Income Through Sustainability, While Enabling a Resilient Supply Chain

Parcel seeks to continue its mission of generating new income for its farmers by adding CIBO as a Platform Partner. Parcel chose CIBO’s Impact platform to scale access to public and private programs and incentives encouraging farmers to adopt regenerative agricultural farming practices. Ultimately, this partnership leads to increased near-term on-farm income by aligning, accessing and optimizing stackable incentives for farmers who enroll in qualified program opportunities.

Parcel Thrive Inc. is a trusted advisor to farmers, helping them unlock new opportunities from downstream customers looking to reduce emissions in their supply chain. CIBO Impact supports the development, delivery and management of these programs at scale.

Together, Parcel and CIBO can:

  • Increase Sustainable Ag Incentive Payments: Farmers within Parcel’s grower network can access the right combination of financial incentives to fund their practice transition and drive farmland resilience and profitability
  • Prequalify Land & Understand the Potential Return: Farmers and their advisors can draw or upload field boundaries and leverage CIBO-sensed practices to understand eligibility for incentive programs instantly
  • Deliver Simplified Program Enrollment: CIBO’s convenient workflows and scaled data enabled through Parcel’s platform make enrollment more efficient and effective for farmers
  • Monitor Status & Generate Income: Farmers can instantly view program enrollment status on the CIBO platform and get paid as practices are verified
  • Automatically Prequalify for Additional New Programs: As new incentive programs are deployed, fields will automatically run through prequalification. Farmers are notified of new opportunities
  • Navigate the complexity of NRCS Programs: CIBO’s program engine digitizes the workflow of NRCS applications and encourages farmers towards those practices that are most likely to be funded in their region.


“Simplified access and enrollment to publicly and privately funded farm programs are crucial for implementing regenerative practices without sacrificing farm profitability. Having a technology partner like CIBO through Parcel streamlines the process and enables us to move the needle in scaling our sustainable efforts,” shared Kristina Subbeck, a Kansas farmer.

“Sustainability in agriculture is only practical if we have solid financial tools that encourage significant changes in farm management practices,” said Adam Irrer, CEO of Parcel. “Our partnership with CIBO enables us to offer new income opportunities to our farmers to enhance soil health, while using financial incentives to promote the transition. In order to scale the value this new partnership brings back to the farm, we will also allow our Retail and Co-Op partners to offer this service to their farmers free of charge.”

Daniel Ryan, President and CEO of CIBO Technologies, added, “CIBO is excited to partner with Parcel, a grower network partner, to remove barriers for farmers in scaling regenerative agricultural practices. We look forward to collaborating closely with Parcel and grower-focused organizations to help their customers easily apply for and stack USDA, Scope 3 and other regenerative agriculture incentive programs.”

For more information on CIBO Impact or becoming a GNP, please visit:

Media Contacts

CIBO Technologies

KWT Global

Parcel Thrive Inc.

About CIBO

Founded by Flagship Pioneering in 2015, CIBO applies advanced software to deliver a deep understanding of agricultural systems at scale. We focus on delivering solutions that drive regenerative agriculture in order to help to mitigate climate change, advance food system resilience, and improve grower outcomes. CIBO is a 2021 Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards finalist, the 2022 AgTech Breakthrough “AI-based AgTech Company of the Year”, a 2023 BOLD Awards finalist and one of TIME’s America’s Top GreenTech Companies of 2024. Learn more at

About Parcel Thrive Inc.

Parcel Thrive Inc. has established itself as a leading agriculture services platform working on behalf of farmers to drive new streams of on-farm income while simultaneously reducing the cost of their crop input spend. Parcel works with tens-of-thousands of farmers in the United States servicing both row crop and specialty crop growers. Learn more at
