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Moving From Aspiration to Action on Climate Change: Reflections on NYC Climate Week from the People There.

Climate Week NYC 2024 wasn’t just another talk shop. It was a hub of action where global leaders, innovators, and changemakers converged to forge real-world solutions to our climate crisis. CIBO Technologies staff attended, participated in workshops, connected with other leaders, and learned from some of the brightest minds and actors in climate solutions. Now, after digesting, we’re cutting through the noise to bring you the most impactful insights and actionable takeaways.

Paradigm Shifts in Agricultural Productivity

At Regen House, a groundbreaking session redefined farm productivity metrics. Forget just counting carbon, we’re now quantifying almost anything that can be counted. From overall GHG emissions, to carbon intensity, to biodiversity, to nutrition density per acre, the growing recognition that a data-driven approach marries regenerative practices with tangible health outcomes, is helping to create a compelling business case for sustainable agriculture. It’s not just about reducing emissions; it’s about maximizing the impact of our land.

Indigenous Wisdom Meets Modern Conservation

The World Biodiversity Summit session “Guardians of Nature” presented a clear mandate: integrate traditional wisdom into our natural resource management strategies. This isn’t feel-good politics; it’s about tapping into centuries of practical, localized environmental knowledge to enhance conservation efforts. This theme also emerged in some conferences earlier in the year as well. As CIBO expands our support for US Government and State Government conservation ag programs like EQIP, the opportunity to engage historically underrepresented communities of farmers is growing. As we engage, we open up more collaboration and wisdom-sharing opportunities.

Agriculture: From Sideline to Center Stage

Regenerative agriculture took center stage as a crucial solution in our efforts to combat and correct climate change. But with this prominence comes responsibility. One big emerging challenge we heard at New York Climate Week was around accounting for Scope 3 emissions in agriculture. With new European regulations mandating reporting, and new programs and funding for regenerative and sustainability programs from the government here in the US, we need robust, scalable solutions for data collection and GHG mitigation across complex supply chains. Agriculture is poised to be a key player in this data revolution. CIBO’s unique abilities streamline sustainable agriculture program design, deployment and delivery while maximizing program incentives for farmers and impact results for program sponsors. CIBO is the SaaS platform designed from day one to work at scales that are needed to deliver impact and demonstrate success in meeting climate goals while building a resilient food supply chain.

Harmonizing GHG Accounting: A Call to Action

One message that came across loud and clear: we all need standardized GHG accounting practices in agriculture, and we need them now.

It’s time for increased engagement with standards bodies and more boots on the ground working out the nitty-gritty details. This isn’t just about compliance; it’s about creating a universal language for climate action in agriculture.

From Conceptual to Concrete

The VCI Food & Agriculture Working Group IV exemplifies the shift from theory to practice. We’re moving past the whiteboard phase and into real-world implementation. This is where the rubber meets the road in climate action, and it’s happening now. CIBO is proud to be a part of the VCI working group, working alongside other industry leaders to move from aspiration to action.

Inspiration Meets Pragmatism

It wasn’t all work and grind at NY Climate Week 2024. There were some truly personally inspiring speakers we experienced. Jane Goodall’s presence at Climate Week was a masterclass in combining hope with hard facts. At 90, her relentless advocacy reminds us that climate action is a marathon, not a sprint. Her “Book of Hope” isn’t just recommended reading; it’s a blueprint for sustained climate engagement.

The Bottom Line

Climate Week NYC 2024 marked a decisive shift from talk to action. The focus on agriculture and practical implementation strategies signals a new, more mature phase in our climate response. As your industry partner, we’re committed to turning these insights into tangible outcomes. The science is clear, the strategies are emerging, and the time for decisive action is now. Let’s get to work.