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S1E2 Cultivating Change: Breaking Down The Farmgate – All about additionality with Truterra, Anew Climate, and Rabobank

In this podcast we are talking about Additionality.

Additionality in carbon programs is crucial for carbon credit creation. How do we ensure additionality is present in carbon programs, and how can we reward growers using regenerative practices that have been doing so for years? These topics and more are discussed with CIBO Technologies’ CEO DANIEL RYAN and our expert panel of guests Jamie from Truterra – a Land ‘O Lakes company, Ryan from Rabobank’s Carbon Bank Team, and Jamie from  Anew Climate; one of the premier carbon program developers in the world.

Join us as they help break down the farmgate and talk all about additionality.

Take it away, Dan.

Podcast Cover 3
CIBO Technologies
S1E2 Cultivating Change: Breaking Down The Farmgate - All about additionality with Truterra, Anew Climate, and Rabobank