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Unlocking Funding for Regenerative Practices: CIBO’s Fieldwork in Nebraska and Iowa

At CIBO, we’re always looking for new ways to empower advisors and their farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture. This past week, members of the CIBO team connected face-to-face with advisors and farmers in Nebraska and Iowa. The goal was to help them apply for USDA EQIP programs through the CIBO Impact platform. They exceeded our greatest expectations.

USDA EQIP offers some of the highest funding opportunities available for regenerative agriculture practices. CIBO Impact eliminates the most common pain points in the USDA application process for farmers, their trusted advisors, and project partners. CIBO Impact’s unique practice recommendation engine instantly shows farmers how adopting different regenerative practices affects the strength of their EQIP application. This varies region by region and state by state. CIBO takes the guesswork out of practice selection, creates greater transparency in the process. By enrolling in EQIP through CIBO Impact, advisors were able to provide value to farmers with an initial engagement before meeting with the NRCS office and earn multiple years of revenue.

The first stop was Nebraska where our Independent Advisor, Kevin Williams of Positive Ground, Ag, arranged for a number of his farmers to show up and learn about the program. They responded with enthusiasm, and together, we applied several thousand acres of farmland in the EQIP program. The process went smoothly, and we were able to submit the applications instantly via DocuSign to the local NRCS office.

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Picture 1: The very first growers to apply in EQIP using CIBO Impact

The next day, CIBO traveled to Iowa to meet with O’Brien County Ag Supply to meet with approximately 20 farmers. We hosted a lunch where the team talked about how farmers can access public and private programs through CIBO Impact. The topics ranged from EQIP to private programs such as Scope 3, exclusively available via our partnerships. It was a successful day and the CIBO team plans to go back in a few weeks to start signing up farmers for new public and private programs ramping up for the fall of 2024.

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Picture 2:  CIBO training the O’Brien County Ag staff

By engaging and educating farmers who historically haven’t applied for government programs, simplifying the application process, and recommending incentive programs for which they are pre-qualified, CIBO is proud to play a crucial role in maximizing the impact of EQIP funding. Together, we can build a more sustainable and resilient future for agriculture and the planet.

Are you a retailer, agronomist, association, or co-op looking to bring these programs to your farmers? CIBO invites you to contact us to find out how we can help your customers easily apply for programs like the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and other public or private incentives available in their area.

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