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Ensure Compliance with the EU’s Deforestation Regulation

CIBO’s High-Resolution Tool for Verifying Deforestation-Free Supply Chains

Meet EUDR Regulations with Confidence: Independent Verification for Deforestation-Free Commodities

As the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) takes effect at the end of this year, companies exporting commodities like wood, palm oil, soy, cocoa, coffee, cattle, and rubber to the EU must comply with stringent new requirements. This regulation mandates independent verification that these commodities are sourced from deforestation-free supply chains, with a specific focus on regions classified by their risk level. Exporters must ensure their products have not originated from deforested areas since December 31, 2020, and maintain rigorous, verifiable data to support potential audits.


CIBO Technologies offers an immediate and reliable solution with its EUDR Verification Tool. CIBO’s remote-sensed and inferred dataset, CIBO Crop ID offers:

  • Independent source of verification from USDA
  • More accurate than the USDA CDL data set
  • Highly granular (10m x 10m) data
  • Verification for 128 different crops, forestry, and ground covers
  • Historical data back to 2017
  • Easily accessible via API or Raster Files

Ready to ensure EUDR compliance? Schedule a meeting with CIBO today and discover how our verification tool can secure your supply chain.

See what CIBO can do for you