Powering the Scaling of Sustainable Agriculture Programs for Enterprises
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Carbon Insetting
Offset your carbon footprint, inset to improve your environmental performance, and sponsor incentives for climate-resilient farming practices with verified carbon credits from the most respected sources. CIBO helps enterprises to sequester carbon to improve the sustainability of their operations.
Work with CIBO to build the bridge that helps farmers start regenerative practices like cover cropping and no-till, and create verified carbon credits from those practices. CIBO is working with third-party registries, including VERRA, to verify carbon credits from U.S. farmers’ regenerative practices. These practices sequester carbon while rebuilding the soil, promoting climate resilience, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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How are Carbon Emissions Reduced?
Hundreds of organizations across the US are pledging to reduce their carbon emissions. According to NPR, more than 300 businesses have signed an open letter calling on the Biden administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States to at least half of 2005 levels by 2030. That would nearly double a previous target set by former President Barack Obama in 2015, who pledged a 25 to 28% reduction by 2025. However, you may be wondering what carbon emissions are and why are they important? Let’s start with the basics.
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A Pocket Guide to Greenhouse Gases and Farming
Farmers can be part of the solution to climate change. The earth’s soil acts like a sponge to take some of the greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, and it also emits some greenhouse gases back into the atmosphere. This cycling of gases is a natural part of how the earth works, but we can adjust the cycle based on how we manage the soil.
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Meet Scope 3 Emissions Reduction Goals
Minimize supply chain carbon footprint and maximize your support of farmers. CIBO can help you quantify Scope 3 emissions in your agricultural supply chain. Understand the carbon emissions reduction potential of various regenerative practices, and incent growers to make changes through pay-for-practice programs, carbon farming, carbon offset projects, or even discounts. Monitor, verify, and report on the results.

What is Carbon Insetting?
Sustainability has been spreading to supply chain management. Enterprises are prioritizing how to create products that not only sell well but also have a lower impact on the environment. Many are turning to carbon insetting, which helps enterprises build sustainable activities directly into their supply chain, as a solution.
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How does Carbon Insetting Work?
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Create Carbon Credits from Your Supply Chain
Meet consumer demand for sustainably grown food and products. Manufacturers with ag in the supply chain can identify regenerative growers, manage grower relationships, and create incentive programs for sustainable practices. CIBO verifies regenerative farming at scale, allowing you to certify the sustainability of your ingredients while regenerating the land.

How does Carbon Offsetting Work?
Learn More About Supply Chain Sustainability
Find out how to achieve unified sustainability goals by reading the Definitive Guide To Enterprise Supply & Value Chain Sustainability.
Read the Definitive Guide
It’s a Beautiful Partnership!
When farmers use sustainable methods like no-till and cover crops, they capture and keep carbon in their fields, helping reduce and reverse climate change. The purchase of carbon credits from a carbon offset market reduces Scope 3 emissions and certifies regeneratively grown ingredients. Plus you get the peace of mind of knowing you’ve reduced your impact on the planet, while farmers get paid to do the right thing.
The Five Qualities of Carbon Offsets
How to Use CIBO CarbonLab in Your Scope 3 Emission Reduction Plan
CIBO Enterprise users now have access to CIBO CarbonLab™. This unique tool was created to help companies with agricultural products in their supply chain analyze and reduce their Scope 3 emissions. Read on to learn how to use CarbonLab to meet corporate climate and carbon commitments.
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