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Carbon Markets 101:

Understanding Carbon Opportunities and Challenges

Hand-selected content, lessons, videos and resources from the top scientists, organizations, and influencers so you can better build regenerative agriculture into their business and make sustainable farming choices.





The History and Purpose of Carbon Markets

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business understand carbon markets


An Introduction to Carbon Markets

Embark on this path to gain the skills and tools you need to gain the knowledge of what a carbon market place is and if it’s a fit for your organization. Use this pathway to fast-track your knowledge of key terms, concepts and scientific study of carbon farming.

Experience: Beginner

For those who want to:

  • Discover and demonstrate an understanding of carbon market terms
  • Understand how buying and selling carbon credits works in a carbon market
  • Create strategy plans that help map what steps you need to take to transition into regenerative agriculture and start earning carbon credits.

The History of Carbon Markets

| 1 minute

As the impact of climate change has started to effect the world globally, many governments have begun trying to halt climate changes by limiting the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that can be emitted by businesses.


A Brief History of GHG Standards

| 2 minute

Find out how greenhouse gas emission standards and organizations have changed over time. This infographic shows key moments in history for carbon markets.


What is a Carbon Market?

| 4 minute

A carbon market allows investors and corporations to trade both carbon credits and carbon offsets simultaneously. This mitigates the environmental crisis, while also creating new market opportunities.


Considering Carbon: Overview of Carbon Market Composition

| 2.5 minutes

To help delineate direct and indirect emission sources, improve transparency, and provide utility for different types of organizations and different types of climate policies and business goals, three “scopes” (scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3) are defined for GHG accounting and reporting purposes.


Carbon Insettings vs. Carbon Offsetting

| 4 minutes

When companies look at how to reduce their carbon footprint, they must start by deciding what type of carbon reduction activities they would like to implement. Two key carbon reduction activities are carbon insetting and carbon offsetting.


How Agriculture Players Can Reduce Carbon Emissions

| 4 minutes

Over time, human activities and industries have been increasing the atmospheric concentrations more quickly than natural activities. The good news is that there are solutions including carbon sequestions.


The Carbon Market Gold Rush in American Agriculture

| 2.5 minutes

Agriculture accounts for 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Industry giants and startups are setting up carbon credits as Biden’s Green plan gains momentum. Biden has promised to make climate change a top priority and bring down emissions to net-zero by 2050. He ordered all agencies to come up with a whole-of-government approach to achieving the goal.

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Explore Carbon Market Educational Materials

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business understand carbon markets

Understanding the benefits and challenges of carbon markets can be confusing. Whether you’re having trouble understanding the different programs, difference between carbon insetting or offsetting, or how to make it profitable for your operation, the learning path will break it down.

Experience: Intermediate

For those who want to:

  • Understand how carbon markets can be profitable
  • Explore when is the best time to enter a carbon market
  • Learn about the challenges of entering a carbon market place

The Story of Soil Carbon

| 60 minutes

Building healthy soils is essential for the future. However, with more focus on carbon credits, carbon markets, and carbon farming, do you know why soil carbon has become a focus? In this upcoming webinar, the CIBO team will explain the life cycle of soil carbon and why we believe carbon credits are the key to a sustainable future.


Carbon Offset Prices Could Increase Fifty-Fold by 2050

| 2.5 minutes

Carbon and climate change programs across the globe are effectively reducing GHG emissions that come from all sectors of the economy. A jump in corporate demand, specifically from heavy-emitting industries with no alternatives to offsets, could bridge this gap and lead to moderate increases in prices, but many companies are hesitant to invest further in offsets.


Panel Recording: Carbon Market Confusion, Controversy and Collaboration

| 1.5 hours

The nature-based carbon market is confusing and controversial. Its promise masks agricultural and environmental realities resulting in an agtech gold rush. Collaborators and competitors, CIBO, Indigo Ag and Nori who raised their collective concerns, outline strategies, and unify to propose an actionable path forward for farmers and the planet in this panel recording.


Is the ‘Legacy’ Carbon Credit Market a Climate Plus or Just Hype?

| 2.5 minutes

The practice of industries offsetting their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits has long been disparaged by some environmentalists as a fig leaf to cover business-as-usual that rarely delivers real gains for the atmosphere. Yet these credits are back in vogue, as U.S. and global corporations respond to new climate policies from the Biden administration and mounting calls for corporate action to slow global warming.


A Blueprint for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets to Meet the Climate Challenge

| 2.5 minutes

The trading of carbon credits can help companies—and the world—meet ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Here is what it would take to strengthen voluntary carbon markets so they can support climate action on a large scale.


Can Voluntary Carbon Markets Change the Game for Climate Change?

| 2.5 minutes

The current market for voluntary credits is dwarfed by compulsory carbon markets and prices for voluntary credits remain at a low level. Over the past years voluntary crediting mechanisms have gained pace and are growing. Will voluntary carbon markets become a relevant mechanism in the fight against climate change?


Recorded Webinar: Demystifying Carbon Credits, Carbon Markets, and Carbon Farming

| 60 minutes

Watch our recorded webinar to hear through the many benefits of investing in carbon programs for organizations and growers. CIBO’s Director of Carbon Product, Steve Lemeshow, led us through an exciting discussion covering topics including carbon markets, carbon credits, and carbon farming.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about carbon markets.

Entering a Carbon Marketplace

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business understand carbon markets


Enrolling in a carbon marketplace can help organizations generate more revenue while also ensuring a better future for their growing operations. Taking the next steps on this learning path helps you learn how CIBO can help growers and organizations navigate the right incentive programs and regenerative agriculture practices to create a future that is environmentally and economically sustainable.

Experience: Expert

For those who want to:

  • Questions to ask when reviewing a carbon market contract
  • Figuring out the best incentive programs for your organization or farm
  • How to use regenerative agriculture to reduce a carbon footprint

How CIBO Brings Crop Modeling to Businesses

| 4 minutes

Reliable crop and ecosystem modeling are key to scaling regenerative agriculture. CIBO has integrated the robust science of the SALUS crop model into a platform that provides the speed, insights, and capabilities that businesses need to make widespread regenerative agriculture a reality.


CIBO Grower Helps Farmers Navigate Carbon Credit Markets

| 2.5 minutes

CIBO Grower is a new application that helps farmers and their trusted advisers easily navigate and participate in the evolving landscape of incentive programs such as carbon credit markets, Scope 3 emissions reduction, and premiums for regenerative and low-carbon grains.


What Farmers Should Know About Carbon Markets

| 2.5 minutes

A 2021 Purdue University study of 1,600 farmers found 36% of all farmers are aware of opportunities, with only 1% of farmers having signed a carbon contract. That leaves around two-thirds of farmers who were unfamiliar with carbon market opportunities.



Opportunities and Challenges Associated with “Carbon Farming” For U.S. Row-Crop Producers

| 2.5 minutes

Alternatives for addressing climate change are varied (McKinsey and Company, 2009). Here we specifically discuss one such alternative that is receiving increasing attention: sequestering carbon in agricultural soils.


What Questions should Farmers Ask about Selling Carbon Credits?

| 2.5 minutes

Agricultural carbon markets exist through privately and publicly owned companies with aim to reduce carbon emissions through trade of carbon units sequestered at the farm level.


How Technology Partnerships Can Lower the Risk of Entering Carbon Markets

| 2.5 minutes

Regenerative agricultural practices like cover-cropping and no-till are effective at reducing greenhouse gasses (GHGs) while building climate-resilient soils. But for growers, the early-year costs of implementing new practices slow adoption for individual farms and at scale across the country.


How CIBO Enterprise Uses Regenerative Agriculture to Solve Climate Change

| 1.5 minutes

For sustainability and carbon neutrality programs, businesses require a technology partner to deliver information from individual grower operations to their entire organization. CIBO Enterprise is here to accelerate and scale regenerative agriculture. At CIBO, we deliver scaled monitoring, verification, reporting and visibility into supply chain and sustainability programs

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CIBO collage corn 4

Take the next step, meet with CIBO!

With the CIBO platform, organizations can quantify the impact of agricultural practices that reduce greenhouse gasses and contribute to an organization’s carbon footprint. Find out how CIBO can power the sustainability and ESG initiatives of your grower-focused enterprise.

Request a Demo

Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide To Regenerative Agriculture

Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide to Low Carbon Corn for Carbon Neutral Ethanol

Download the eBook:

Getting Started on Your Scope 3 Journey in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Confidence in Carbon Modeling

Download the eBook:

The Current State of Net-Zero Target Setting and Accounting in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Boots on the Ground: Accelerating Regenerative Agriculture Program adoption with CIBO’s Tech-Enabled Grower Network Partners