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Regenerative Practices 101 Pathway:

How CIBO Uses Proven, Science-based Technology to Scale Regenerative Agriculture


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CIBO was founded with the big idea that by applying advanced science and technology to agricultural systems at scale, we could change the world by scaling regenerative agriculture. With our transformative technology, CIBO clarifies the best restorative choices, enabling organizations and farmers to reap the full rewards of sustainable practices. By opening up the market for both buyers and sellers, CIBO is focused on driving the transition to sustainable agriculture: providing an understanding of the land and its regenerative potential.

Our data-driven platform distills information into actionable insights; our integrated marketplace guides and calculates land valuation and carbon credits creating a more sustainable world.

What is the SALUS Model


The mechanistic crop and environment model that CIBO uses for simulations is called SALUS (system approach for land use sustainability). SALUS is capable of simulating the performance of various crops at many scales to help farmers decide the best management practice to use on their fields. SALUS is able to simulate the effects of crop rotation, land management strategies, and weather on crop growth and yield, soil organic matter, nitrogen dynamics, and heat balance.

The initial version of SALUS was developed at Michigan State University by CIBO co-founder Bruno Basso and has been the subject of 20 years of testing across hundreds of fields in 46 countries, more than 25 PhD dissertations, over 230 peer-reviewed journal articles, and thousands of academic citations. CIBO has an exclusive commercial license to SALUS which it has continuously been improving, expanding to new crops, and scaling to address practical needs of agriculture from subfield to continental scales.

Science-Based Proven Technology backed by Academia

Academic scientists across the world have validated and used the CIBO Model. Here are a few examples of distinguished academic leaders who support CIBO.

CIBO Technologies is a leader in applying this approach, at scale, to US cropland and creating a new, scientifically valid, agriculturally based carbon credit marketplace that supports regenerative agriculture and creates new opportunities for individuals and organizations to reduce their carbon footprint.

Joe T. Ritchie

Emeritus Distinguish Professor at Michigan State University

Read the full letter of support

As a model developer and user of process-based models, and as a scientist who has dedicated most of my career to building models for improving agricultural productivity and sustainability, I can unequivocally confirm that the scalable CIBO approach is proven as a valid scientific approach for quantifying soil carbon gains and losses, and verifying reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in response to farmers’ management decision.

James W. Jones

Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida

Read the full letter of support

At CIBO, we focus on building bridges between industry and academia through our emphasis on scientific excellence, transparency, and objectivity. Using science-based technology, CIBO starts from the ground up and scales to county, state and national levels without requiring expensive or complex data from farmers to scale regenerative agriculture. Learn more about the CIBO model and how we created the transformative platform for regenerative agriculture.

Continue Learning About Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions

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Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide To Regenerative Agriculture

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The Definitive Guide to Low Carbon Corn for Carbon Neutral Ethanol

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Getting Started on Your Scope 3 Journey in Agriculture

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Confidence in Carbon Modeling

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The Current State of Net-Zero Target Setting and Accounting in Agriculture

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Boots on the Ground: Accelerating Regenerative Agriculture Program adoption with CIBO’s Tech-Enabled Grower Network Partners