GHG Scopes 101:
Recorded Webinar: How to Choose and Report on a Carbon and Climate Initiative
In recent years, there has been an explosion of awareness and increased consciousness around climate change. Corporations are making very bold proclamations and commitments from the boardroom out to their supply chains. As a result, more and more companies around the world are stepping forward with climate commitments. However, these voluntary commitments often lack regulatory or legal definitions, making them challenging to understand. So how can we better understand corporate carbon commitments?
CIBO’s Senior Director of Product Management Chuck Alexander walked us through the many initiatives companies are pledging to follow in order to reduce their climate impact. Chuck broke down the concepts and initiatives behind companies’ climate pledges. We uncovered the verification, validation and certification that goes on behind the climate initiatives.
It can be confusing, but by understanding the history of how we got here and the common thread that ties all of us and all these programs together we can break it down. Ultimately, these climate commitments are driving toward the same fundamental goals of reducing the increase of global climate by a certain amount and by reducing carbon dioxide amounts.
As companies and organizations are getting started, they need to know the overall carbon footprint (greenhouse gas inventory) of their company. The first step is figuring out their carbon footprint so they know where they need to start/go next. Then they can figure out where they need to make changes. Creating your organizational carbon footprint will highlight what you need to change in order to reach your goals. The CIBO platform can help organizations manage, monitor, and measure the carbon footprint of ag operations.
Watch our recording to hear our detailed discussion of the history of GHG programs, where to start your corporate climate commitment journey, and more.
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